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Relationship Vulnerabilities During Breast Cancer Health And Social Care Essay


The authors of this article investigate the impact of breast cancer on heterosexual relationships with a view toward indentifying facts that allow for greater closeness and cohesion between partners. They find two factors that impede couple adjustment: Personal Characteristics and Relationship Dynamic. For couples that are able to overcome the relationship challenges associated with this catastrophic life event, there is the potential for mutual growth and a strengthening of the relationship. Findings from this article provide insight into bothpersonal characteristics and relationship dynamicsthat may interfere with day-to-day couple adjustment to breast cancer.

Darling, C. A., Olmstead, S. B., &Tiggleman, C. (2010). Persons with AIDS and their support persons: Stress and life satisfaction. Stress & Health: Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress, 26(1), 33-44.

The article explores the role of historical family functioning, family stress, coping, perceived impact of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and health stress upon the life satisfaction of person with AIDS (PWAs) and their support person. Family Stress Theory and the ABC-X model of family stress were utilized to understand stress and life satisfaction of persons with AIDS (PWAs) and their support persons. The authors suggested that current family stress was not directly related to life satisfaction as mediated by perception of stress. In addition, female support persons experienced greater perceptions of caregiver stress. Family and health-care professionals need to be aware of the importance of family stress and coping as they influence the health stress and life satisfaction of PWAs and their support persons.

Rao, G. (2008). Childhood obesity: highlights of AMA Expert Committee

recommendations. American Family Physician, 78(1), 56-63. Retrieved

from CINAHL database.

The author of this article noted the increase in childhood obesity and the severity of obesity's health-related issues. He listed many associated diseases related to childhood obesity and encouraged physicians to advocate for environmental changes to reverse the problem. This article focuses on a course of action physicians can recommend to their patients. Consistent with the concept of joining in the family systems theory, he recommends assessing patients' family history and readiness for change in a non-threatening and non-judgmental manner. Treatment recommendations include increasing fruit and vegetable intake, consumption of breakfast, family meals, increased physical activity, and elimination of sweetened beverages. In order for children to self-regulate their food intake, an authoritative parenting style is recommended over an authoritarian one.

Reifsnider, E.&Ritsema, M. (2008).Ecological differences in weight, length, and weight for length of Mexican American children in the WIC program.Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 13(3), 154-167. Retrieved on September 25, 2008 from Ebscohost database.

This journal was published to inform clinical nurses working with children and families, educators and students with peer-reviewed articles and research on relevant health topics. This study was conducted using the ecological model to examine the environmental factors related to overweight in children 12 to 24 months of age whose families participated in WIC Supplemental Nutrition Programs. In particular, the authors examined if cultural and family differences in Mexican Americans could be found to be a contributing factor in childhood overweight, as there is a higher rate of obesity in Mexican American children. The study found that dietary differences such as higher starch and sugary beverage intake and lower protein, calcium, fruit and vegetable intake were a significant variable, as was shorter breastfeeding period and less maternal physical activity. In addition, results showed children's BMI rose as mothers' participation in activity dropped, indicating that encouraging maternal activity could have a positive effect on the child. The authors explained that maternal feeding prompts during early childhood contribute to obesity and had an effect on these results.

Agren, S., Frisman, G., Berg, S., Svedjeholm, R., &Strömberg, A. (2009). Addressing spouses' unique needs after cardiac surgery when recovery is complicated by heart failure. Heart & Lung, 38(4), 284-291. Retrieved from CINAHL database.

The purpose of this study is to identify, describe and conceptualize the individual needs of spouses of patients in complications of heart failure after cardiac surgery. Results from this research suggested that individualized planning of interventions that support spouses should be implemented during recovery process after cardiac surgery. Spouses needed to have their own privacy, to have a relaxing and attractive environment, and to have the possibility to make a private phone call. The authors recommend professional support during the acute phase as well as during the entire rehabilitation process.

Spiotta, R., &Luma, G. (2008). Evaluating obesity and cardiovascular risk factors

in children and adolescents. American Family Physician, 78(9), 1052-1058. Retrieved from CINAHL database.

The authors of this article express concerns regarding obesity, which continues to be a growing public health problem. It should be noted that the number of obese children and adolescents has triple in the past 20 years. Furthermore, the growing prevalence of obese children and adolescents is paralleled by the growth of its associated complications in that population: diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and hyperlipidemia. To halt this evolving health issue, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association have taken a more aggressive stance, targeted largely on consensus opinion. Some of their suggestions include focusing on children who have a family history of type 2 diabetes or hypercholesterolemia, whose body mass indexes exceed the 85th percentile, who are rapidly gaining weight, or who have hypertension or signs of insulin resistance. Physician advocacy for healthy community that promotes building physical activity into daily life is encouraged.

Sparud-Lundin, C., Ã-hrn, I., & Danielson, E. (2010).Redefining relationships and identity in young adults with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(1), 128-138. Retrieved from CINAHL database.

This article explores the meaning of interactions with and supports of self-management from parents and other significant others for young adults with type 1 diabetes. Adolescence and young adulthood are known to be a critical period for people living with diabetes in terms of diabetes control, which is why support from significant others is very importance during this transition to adult life. The findings suggest an ongoing redefinition of relationships and identity for young adults living with diabetes. Previous studies by Paterson et al and Throne et al. cited in the article also have shown the need for inner re-orientation caused by challenged self-identity. Furthermore, Kraline et al. emphasized the important of relationships during transitions. The study makes a contribution to this bibliography in its examination of the meaning of interactions with and supports of self-management from parents and other significant others for young adults with type 1 diabetes, offering a possible strategy to parents and health care professionals in combating type 1 diabetes.

Turner, S., Thomas, A., Wagner, P., & Moseley, G. (2008). A collaborative

approach to wellness: diet, exercise, and education to impact behavior change. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 20(6), 339-344. Retrieved from CINAHL database.

This article evaluates an interdisciplinary WellnessProgram developed to help patients implement behavior changes necessary tobegin weight reduction. The study included a12-week program that offered a choice of education, three diets, behavior change, and support groups that would allow participants to work through their concerns. Participants who attended the exercise classes showed the most positive results with weight loss. The number of times attending the exercise classes had a significant impact on weight loss. Other factors that also played a role in weight reduction were readiness and willingness to change and the degree of involvement in the program.

Hansen, F., &Sawatzky, J. (2008). Stress in patients with lung cancer: a human

response to illness. Oncology Nursing Forum, 35(2), 217-223. Retrieved from CINAHL database.

The article was published to provide a comprehensive overview of stress in patients diagnosed with lung cancer within the context of the four perspectives (normal physiologic, pathophysiologic, behavioral, and experimental) of the Human Response to Illness Model. The authors utilized this nursing model to assess and manage stress among patients with lung cancer and other types of cancers. To minimize aphysiologic stress response and maximize the patient's quality of life, stress management for patients diagnosed with lung cancer should include all four perspectives of the Human Response to Illness Model. This model provides a comprehensive framework to nurses for assessment and management of stress in patients with lung cancer.

Davis, E., Shelly, A., Waters, E., Boyd, R., Cook, K., &Davern, M. (2010). The

impact of caring for a child with cerebral palsy: quality of life for mothers and fathers. Child: Care, Health & Development, 36(1), 63-73. Retrieved from CINAHL database.

The authors of this article explored the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy aged 3-18 and examined whether the impact of caring for a child with CP changes from childhood to adolescence. This qualitative study was conducted utilizing a grounded theory framework. The authors found no significant differences in parental quality of life among subgroups such as mothers, fathers, age groups, and GMFCS levels. The results from the study suggested that cerebral palsy could have a profound impact on the quality of life of parents. Many challenges that these parents faced include physical well-being, social well-being, freedom, and financial stability.

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