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IHM-AProbiotics and Prebiotics


IHM-AProbiotics and Prebiotics




  1. Declaration


  1. Acknowledgement


  1. Table of Contents


  1. Introduction


  1. Findings and Discussion
    1. Probiotics
    2. Prebiotics




  1. Advantages of Probiotics and Prebiotics
  2. Difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics



  1. Analysis and conclusion


  1. List of References



In today’s day and age when people are extremely conscious of their health and what food they intake, it is extremely essential for chefs to take that into perspective while forming their menu. There are several different diets to cater to such as vegetarianism and veganism which restrict the consumption of most foods. Working their way around the obstacle of not being able to use produce which is not acceptable by most is a must. With the widespread of several food borne illnesses is another reason for chefs to be particular of what enters their kitchen and what leaves it.

Having a well-balanced diet is a priority of many people. That entails having a daily diet of foods including all forms of nutrients needed to live a healthy life. Nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and proteins must be included in every meal in the right proportion. An excess or deficiency in any of the aforementioned nutrients can cause in health problems. It is a chef’s duty to provide wholesome, hearty and nutritional food to their customers.

Safety is a major factor chefs must take into consideration. Having a hygienic work place is essential for chefs as it enables them in serving safe food to their customers.

As mentioned earlier, with the increase in out spread of food borne diseases like E. Coli, Salmonellosis, Hepatitis A and Botulism it is essential for chefs to be particular of the produce they buy, how they clean and store it and how they cook it. (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, n.d.)

With the formation of management systems like HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) there are administrative standards that food and beverage establishments have to maintain.



According to the American Society for Clinical Nutrition (2001) probiotic is a derivative from the Greek language and means “for life”. First used by Lilly and Stillwell in the year 1965, it was used to describe substances emitted by one microorganism which aided the growth of another microorganism.

Probiotics are nutrients which are mostly inclusive of yeasts and live bacteria which are especially beneficial for the human digestive system. There has always been a misconception of bacteria being harmful, but in fact there are several bacteria which aid our health and wellness. Probiotics fall under that category. Most probiotics are naturally existing in our body, but can also be found in several food supplements. (Jaret, n.d.)

Probiotics are categorized into two main types of bacteria which are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. The former is the most common probiotic type. It is mostly found in yoghurt and other types of fermented foods, soy products and pickles. It is known to help with diarrhea and aid people who cannot properly digest lactose, which is the sugar in milk. Bifidobacterium is found in some dairy products and help cure diseases like irritable bowel syndrome. (Jaret, n.d.)

Probiotics have a vast list of benefits. They help boost your immunity system by creating antibodies to some vaccines in your system. They also prevent harmful bacteria from attaching themselves to the lining of your gut. They help in the production B vitamins which are essential for metabolizing of the food you eat, as well as the formation of vitamin B6 and B12 which prevents anemia and sustaining healthy skin and a healthy nervous system. (Jaret, n.d.)


The American Society for Clinical Nutrition (2001) informs that prebiotic is a term which was presented by Gibson and Roberford. They used “pre” in place of “pro” that means and defined it as a non-digestible food ingredient which is beneficial for the host by helping in the growth of one or a few the number of bacteria our colon.

Prebiotics are the type of food which consist of non-digestible food ingredients. These ingredients aid in the growth of bio-cultures, which they do by reaching the intestines and still remaining unaffected by digestion. Thus, they help in providing an ideal digestive health. Additionally, they remain unaffected by heat and remain undamaged after baking processes. Therefore they can be integrated easily in our everyday diet. (Prebiotic Canada, n.d.)

Their effect transpires when the activity of healthy bacteria in our gut increases. Prebiotics aid the development of beneficial bacteria like BifidobacteriaandLactobacilli in our intestines which help in the resistance of aggressive pathogenic orgasms. For this, one must consume foods which include prebiotic bacteria which encourage metabolic efficiency in the human body. (Prebiotic Canada, n.d.)

There are several sources of Prebiotics. The most common source is inulin, which is a soluble dietary fiber. Plants which contain fructan (a polymer of fructose molecules) are known to have inulin. Vegetables like leeks, onions, artichokes, asparagus, and garlic have high amounts of inulin within them. Since the demand of functional foods has risen, there has been a start in the addition of prebiotics to foods for daily consumption like cereals, breads, drinks, biscuits, table spreads and yogurts. (Prebiotic Canada, n.d.)

To meet their daily requirement of dietary fiber, one must need to consume 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Majority of us are not being able to meet these requirements. Fortunately, prebiotics are being externally added to several of our daily functional foods which help us in obtaining the right amount of dietary requirements. All one has to do is make the choice of functional alternatives which these changes. (Prebiotic Canada, n.d.)

Advantages of Probiotics and Prebiotics

  1. Probiotics
  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, (IBS) is disorder of movement in the intestines and is not caused by injury or illness. The symptoms of IBS are diarrhea, constipation, or an alternation of both.
  2. People who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), have inflamed intestines. It is a disorder in the body’s immune system. The symptoms of IBD are abdominal cramps, weight loss, blood in your stool and diarrhea.
  3. Traveler’s Diarrhea is a type of diarrhea which is obtained from diseases causing bacteria which are present in water or food. Although, probiotics are ineffective when it comes to traveler’s diarrhea in adults.

(American Gastroenterological Association, 2015)

  1. Prebiotics
  1. A major type of prebiotic, Ispaghula husk, helps remove all the toxins from our body. Patients who suffer from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) have high amounts of toxins in their bodies. Detoxification by Ispaghula husk.
  2. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are another type of prebiotics assist the growth of Bifidobacteria. FOS also increases butyrate in our large intestines which help in decreasing intestinal permeability.
  3. Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) help the growth of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. It also helps to cure irritable bowel syndrome.

(Phoenix Rising, 2014

Difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics



They are living micro-organisms which are a part of the food we consume. They are already existing within our digestive tract.

They are a dietary fiber which help in the growth of healthy bacteria which benefit the intestines.

They aid our digestion as well as help in the absorption of vital minerals. They also boost the human immunity and also help us have a healthy digestive tract.

They help in stimulating the beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract.

(Earth’s Magic Inc, 2015)


Probiotics and prebiotics are absolutely essential for a healthy digestive system. Both probiotics and prebiotics helpful, probiotics are more vital to our health since they cannot be replaced. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are a source of fiber and can be substituted by other foods in the diet.

Their large number of benefits must be taken into consideration and both of these nutrients must be included as important parts of our diet by all. With the increase of unhealthy eating of people in younger generations, there is a massive increase in the spread of digestive ailments. Probiotics and prebiotics help curb those diseases.

With the inclusion of these nutrients in our everyday food, it has become easier for us to achieve our daily requirement of them. As a matter of fact, most nutrients these days are available in food products or in the form of supplements. This has made is easier for a chef to provide his or her customer with the nutritious meal they deserve. Life today is quite hectic and fast paced. To cope with the extra physical and mental pressure, people are extremely careful about their daily meals. In order to have a successful business, a chef must follow the needs of the people and give nutrition, health and safety its due importance.


  • American Gastroenterological Association. (2015). Probiotics: What They Are and What They Can Do For You. Retrieved from http://www.gastro.org/patient-center/diet-medications/probiotics
  • American Society for Clinical Nutrition. (2001). Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics—approaching a definition. Retrieved from http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/73/2/361s.full#aff-1
  • Earth’s Magic Inc. (2015). What Is The Difference Between Probiotics and Prebiotics? Retrieved from http://www.thelaboroflove.com/articles/what-is-the-difference-between-probiotics-and-prebiotics
  • Jaret, P. (n.d.). What are Probiotics? Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/features/what-are-probiotics
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. (n.d.). Understanding Food Borne Diseases. Retrieved from http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/foodborne/pages/default.aspx
  • Prebiotic Canada. (n.d.). Prebiotic Fibre. Retrieved from http://www.prebiotic.ca/prebiotic_fibre.html
  • Phoenix Rising. (2014). The Wonders of Prebiotics. Retrieved from http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/the-wonders-of-prebiotics.6740/

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