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Egg Protein Powder


Benefits of Egg Protein Powder

Egg protein powder is a protein supplement that is popular among athletes, body builders and those are looking to supplement their protein intake and are looking for a healthy solution. Eggs and egg protein powders have long been a staple among body builders and the egg has long been referred to as the perfect food.

There are two values that are used to help determine the quality of protein in a product:

  • Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score or the PDCAA - this determines how complete a protein is. 1 is the highest score possible and egg whites come in on top with a perfect score in the method.
  • Biological Value - the biological value measure the amount of protein that is retain when the protein is absorbed. Egg protein is the leader in this measure and comes in with a score of 100 of biological value. This means that the egg protein contains every one of the essential amino acids that are bodies need.

What is the nutritional value of an egg used in egg protein powder? One average sized egg contains 39 grams of water, 6.5 grams of protein, 5.6 grams of fat, .5 grams of carbohydrates and contains many important vitamins and minerals. Egg yolks and egg whites make up the content of the egg and have very different nutritional values to them.

The egg yolk nutrition information includes:

  • water - 8.8993 grams
  • calories - 54.74
  • Protein - 2.696 grams
  • Total fat - 4.512 grams
  • Cholesterol - 209.78 mg
  • Carbohydrates - .610 grams

Egg White Nutrition values include:

  • water - 28.89 grams
  • calories - 17.160
  • protein - 3.59 grams
  • total fat - .056 grams
  • Carbohydrates - .241 grams

Where egg protein powders are concerned, they deliver all of the benefits and nutritional values of an egg and are easier to digest for some people than eating actual eggs are. If you want to get all of the benefits of eating eggs, without having to include them in your daily diet, you may want to consider trying a egg protein powder to help get the protein that you need in an easy to use powder.

Benefits of egg protein powder also include the ability to mix it into a delicious shake that you can take anywhere with you without having to take the time to prepare eggs to eat. Even if you do not like the taste of eggs, you can still find egg protein powder that will not have the same taste, and can be mixed with beverages or into shakes to help create a more tasty way for you to get all of the benefits of eating eggs. Egg protein powder is one of the favorites among protein supplements for body builders and those who are looking to add some muscle to their bodies without having to rely on higher fat and higher cholesterol sources of food to get the protein that they need.

There are a lot of different egg protein powders on the market and they range greatly in price and availability. If you are looking for egg protein powder you can generally find it in large grocery stores with a sports nutrition or health food section. It is also available in most health food stores and on the internet. If you are looking to try egg protein powder you probably want to consider trying a smaller container at first to make sure that you like it and that your body is able to properly digest it. It is available in bulk which can be a great way to go once you find a brand that you like and know that it works for you.

Most egg protein powders have ingredients that include egg albumen, cocoa, artificial flavors, lecithin and scallops. A typical serving of a scoop of egg protein powder contains about 100 calories and is a very healthy way to help your body get the protein that it needs by a low calorie food. Each type of egg protein powder may have a different taste, and you may want to try a few different ones until you find out that tastes great and works the best for you. If you are serious about building muscle and want to find a healthy way to get the lean protein that your body needs to build lean muscle, you should consider trying a egg protein supplement source and seeing what benefits it can have on you and in your weight training.

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