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对于如何写作literature review的详细描述


留学生总是会有各种各样的论文要写,在论文写作过程中,经常要提供literature review,那么literature review的格式是什么?怎样才能写好literature review?Literature review在写作中占有非常重要的地位,一篇优秀的Literature review能够使读者从中收益,因此,Literature review的写作方法很重要,本文就Literature review写作进行了详细的论叙。

一篇Literature review按照内容可以分为三个部分:









1.background   背景

2.problem/hypothesis   问题/假设

3.solution/argumentation   解决方案/论证

4.experimental test/conclusion   实验/结论



这部分是最为重要的,你的评价应该直接反映该篇文学作品对你的研究有何意义、文学作品的强处以及弱处。你对文学作品的评价可以分为三层。最高层的是对文学作品的内容的评价, 例如方法是否新颖,解决的问题是否有意义,所用的实验步骤、实验对象是否合适,结论是否正确。第二层是关于文学作品的结构和风格的,如论述的组织是否合理,论 证的过程有没有漏洞,文学作品的段落结构有没有问题等等。最底层的是关于文学作品的用词以及语法方面的评价,句子是否通顺,词语是否恰当,有没有更好的表达方式等 等。三层的重要性是递减的,最上面的那一层是最重要的,这应该是你读文学作品的重点,也应该是你写Review的重点。


Netizens in China recently begun to rank the buzzwords on the web this year, and several of their suggestions – combining both Chinese and English – are receiving a huge amount of votes. Here are a few of their choices:


The word "gelivable" is a new Chinese-made word that is being used in English. It comes from "Gei Li", which means great, helpful, or efficient. It is mostly used in the north part of China and is quite informal language. A few Chinese nationals invented the word "gelivable" as a new English word with the same meaning as "Gei Li". Then another word - "ungelivable" - soon appeared - meaning that something is useless, unimportant or inefficient.

The word "Gei Li" caught on in China after the People's Daily used it in the headline of a front page story on November 12.

Some netizens said that "gelivable" could be the fastest-spread "English" word in China.

Now Thai Tao

This actually comes from the English "not at all", which is part of the lyrics of the song "One World, One Dream" sung by Huang Xiaoming, a famous Chinese actor. When Huang sings "not at all", it sounds like "Now Thai Tao".

This is used as a joke, but one netizen said that Huang should not be mocked, because many teachers in China taught their pupils to pronounce "not at all" as "Now Thai Tao".

My father is Li Gang

Li Gang was the deputy chief of a public security sub-bureau. His son, Li Qiming, a university student, knocked two girls down when he was driving on campus on the night of October 16. Li Qiming refused to get out of the car and apologize, and shouted instead: "Sue me if you dare, my father is Li Gang!". Chinese netizens were outraged, and they soon spread the words "My father is Li Gang" on forums and blogs, reflecting society's distaste for the behavior of children of officials who feel that they are above the law.

We have just made a difficult decision

This is the beginning of a letter written by Tencent, the largest web service provider in China. A dispute between Tencent and Qihoo company intensified on November 3, with a letter from Tencent to its users, stating "we have just made a difficult decision that we will stop running QQ on the computers with 360 software (product of Qihoo)". QQ is a tool by Tencent for chatting online. Web users reacted angrily, criticizing Tencent for ignoring the rights of netizens, as many people use QQ and 360 at the same time.

Suan Ni Hen, Dou Ni Wan, You Lao Hu, Tang Gao Zong

These phrases refer to increasing food prices in China, and allude to garlic, mungbean, oil, and sugar which are very expensive nowadays – but not using the Chinese characters for these words. So this is actually a sort of word play.

Zhang Yiwu, the deputy director of the Cultural Resource Research Center at Peking University, divides the popular internet expression into three groups: those caused by typos, others influenced by current affairs, and word combination or coinage.

Zhang also said that many of them only last as certain events are in the news - and may fade away.

Tian Yipeng, the dean of the sociology department at Jilin University, told the Global Times that the internet age and social transformation in China work together to generate the web expressions, and online interaction allows ideas and information to spread rapidly.

Tian also said that popular words on the web reflect the concerns of the general public, but he worries that the overuse of this informal language could affect the use of regular Chinese language which, he said, could become "weird and incomprehensible".

只要能够持之以恒,坚持写作,久而久之,一定可以写出精彩的Literature review。

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