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英文论文Failure Essay怎么写,美国作业Failure Essay范文

英文Essay是在国外许多留学生们最常遇见作业形式方式之一,留学生们几乎每周都要完成导师所布置的essay,这也使得不少的留学生感到苦恼,每天都有沉浸于essay、paper、assignment的写作当中,今天我要来教各位的是美国英文作业论文Failure Essay该怎么去写,各位一起来看看吧。

留学,Failure Essay怎么写,Failure Essay范文,essay代写,美国作业代写

1)不要把生活中的一些小Failure写进Failure Essay







在failure的essay中,千万别把重点放在描述Failure故事的本身了。想写出优秀的failure essay,就要多写你的lessons learned,也就是从中学习到的收获,多写你改进后的行为。如果要“避重就轻”的话,这估计是避重就轻最好的切入点了。


在选择failure essay的素材的时候,一定要把握好火候。别写太小的时候的事情,会让adcom的人觉得你在刻意逃避直面问题本身;也别写离申请时太近的例子,使得你的essay里没有足够的space来给a better you和lessons learned留下余地。

说了这么多理论知识,还不如直接给大家来点实际的,下面就给大家整理了一篇Failure Essay的优秀案例,留学生们可以从中去学习它的写作技巧,格式等等,看完相信不会写Failure Essay的同学都会受益匪浅。

Question: Describe a failure that you haveexperienced. What role did you play, and what did you learn about yourself?(500 words)

Absolute US was an annual event inSingapore that helped prospective students meet those of us who were alreadyschooling in USA. It is now defunct, but I’d once tried- and failed- toresurrect it.

When I took this up, Absolute US had beenon the brink of death, and I’d begun the project by formulating a three-facetedrevival plan. First, it’d previously been held at Singapore’s largest club, andI decided on a smaller and cozier venue instead.

Second, some games would be organized tospice things up. Finally, a team of motivated shareholders- rather thanlow-energy volunteers- would be assembled by pitching Absolute US as amoney-making venture. Besides arming myself with a good plan, I also workedextremely hard, playing whatever role was necessary- be it the leader who’dformulated the entire plan; the more hands-off project consultant; or theevent’s game designer- to make my re-conceptualization a reality.

I had a good plan, a dedicated team, andhad been doing whatever it took to succeed. But in spite of this, Absolute US2006 boasted historical attendance lows and didn’t make a profit. What’d gonewrong?

Having reflected upon the affair, I nowrealize that the project had been doomed from the start, because of threeerrors in execution.

First, we’d ignored local contexts. Makingplans from abroad left the project without proper intelligence on the ground.I’d designed the new, apparently perfect, plan and organized the team when Iwas in Chicago in April 2006. When my team returned to Singapore in June afterschool had ended, I went to Thailand for a month of social work. As studentswho’d spent the year abroad, we eventually picked a venue that turned out to bea has-been so past its popularity peak that it folded a month after our event.A better appreciation of the need for ground-level research would have servedus well.

Second, as leader I’d failed to strike abalance between involvement with the project vision and its details. I’d workedhard, involving myself in all the project nitty-gritty’s. However, my trying togo it alone working out every detail, rather than trusting others to execute,not only caused a breakdown in communication of the project vision to my team,but also left them without a leader for a short period when I was in Thailand.Though I’d immediately stepped down and become a project consultant insteadafter realizing the problem, it’d been too late. The leaderless period hadalready demoralized my team.

Third, I’d lacked a backup plan. I’d takenfor granted that no hiccups would occur, and when one did, I was caught unprepared.In particular, I’d planned to communicate from Thailand via email, but thiseventually proved unfeasible because I’d unexpectedly lacked Internet access.

What I’d learnt, in short, was that havinga neat idea is no guarantee of successful execution. This had been a painfulbut educational experience, and I look forward to doing things differently- andsucceeding- in future endeavors.

看完了以上关于美国英文论文作业Failure Essay写作的讲解后,各位要记住一点就是这类的essay的写作流程主要是先讲述我们做过哪些事情,经过了哪些努力,但是最终却还是失败了,但是你却没有因此而气馁,而是学会了去总结和反思自己为什么失败的原因。这样写作下来的Failure Essay想不高分都难。-xz

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